
February 2023

In a judgement of 16 February 2023 (case no. 8 AZR 450/21), the German Federal Labour Court awarded the difference in salary, plus lump sum compensation equal to 15% of the difference, to a female field sales agent whose salary had been approx. EUR 1,000.00 lower than that of her male co-worker also employed in field sales.

December 2022

A few days ago, the German Federal Labor Court (“Bundesarbeitsgericht”, BAG) finally published the written reasons for a decision dated September 13, 2022, in which it found - unexpectedly for many - a far-reaching obligation to record daily working hours.

September 2022

By Decision of 13 September 2022, the German Federal Labour Court found as follows: Pursuant to Sec. 3 Para. 2 No. 1 of the German Occupational Health and Safety Act, employers are required to introduce a system enabling the working time of their employees to be recorded.

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