GvW Veranstaltung

02 September 2015
Shanghai (Putuo District)

Industrie 4.0 – Examples for implementation and legal situation in China

Industrie 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution following the mechanisation, electrification and computerisation of products, has become a hot issue globally and especially in China during the recent years. In an economy with rising labour costs, increasing demand for quality and customized products and requests for shorter lead times, Industrie 4.0 can offer a competitive advantage compared to the traditional production methods.

This VDMA China Seminar will give participants further insight into different aspects related to Industrie 4.0 and ideas of how to implement the knowledge gained into their own company. By presenting practical examples, main aspects of the Intelligent Factory - a combination of lean production principles, modularized products and Industrie 4.0 - will be introduced to the audience.

In the second speech of the day Dr Oliver Maaz will answer the question "Does the PR China have sufficient legal protection?".

Please find further information to the seminar here.

Shanghai Silver Centre 1388 North Shaan Xi Road, Putuo District, Shanghai, 200060

1388 North Shaan Xi Road

Shanghai (Putuo District)

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