GvW Veranstaltung

19 September 2016

Real Estate Investments and Developments in Germany – Trends and Opportunities

Germany is already today one of the most important real estate markets, and this importance is growing. Recent economic trends and political turmoil elsewhere are likely to increase investors’ views that Germany is one of the few economies that still provide stability. Robust economic growth in Germany, combined with a long-term backlog in real estate developments (both residential and office), combined with interest rates at an historical low, provide ever more interesting opportunities for investors. At the same time, the German market has recently seen innovative structures for such investments (e.g. forward commitment and funding deals, mezzanine/equity structures, etc.). Finally, German and cross border tax legislation is still a major factor in optimizing transaction structures.

GvW Graf von Westphalen in cooperation with BulwienGesa, Colliers and Groß & Partner invite you to a conference highlighting the main trends and considerations for investors in the German real estate market.

We will give you first-hand information from experienced advisors and investors, especially on current developments and forward funding schemes, tax structures, market overviews trends and financing arrangements. Each session of the conference will open with a short keynote address followed by Q&A session.

We look very much forward to seeing you there. Please find further information concerning the event here.

Juristischen Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität

Unter den Linden 9

10117 Berlin

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