Dr Ulf Gibhardt
Lawyer and Notary, Tax Consultant
Dr Ulf Gibhardt provides comprehensive advice in all matters relevant to notarisation for a notary. In addition to notarial support for real estate and corporate transactions and restructuring, his focus is on tax-optimised succession planning. His clients include many private clients, whom he assists at the interface of inheritance, gift, family, international private, corporate and tax law.

Worked for globally operating commercial law firm; partner in international commercial law firms
HERA, Fortbildungs-GmbH der hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft; fiRAK, Fortbildungsinstitut der Rechtsanwaltskammer Stuttgart; NWB Akademie; Oldenburger Anwalts- und Notarverein e.V.; DAI – Deutsches Anwaltsinstitut e.V.; Bielefelder Fachlehrgänge für Rechtsanwälte und Notare; rakko Seminare der Rechtsanwaltskammer für den OLG-Bezirk Koblenz
Chamber of Notaries, Chamber of Lawyers and Chamber of Tax Consultants, each in Frankfurt am Main; STEP - Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners
German, English
Listed in "Best Lawyers Germany" for M&A
"Strong notary's office"
Listed in "Corporate Law and M&A"
Requently recommended: "Develops individual and innovative approaches to solutions", client