Dr Gerd Schwendinger, LL.M.
Dr. Gerd Schwendinger is head of the customs & foreign trade practice group and heads the firm's state aid and subsidy law department. He has been advising companies and authorities comprehensively in these areas of law for many years. As a lawyer and former judge, Dr. Schwendinger has extensive forensic experience and represents clients in proceedings before German and European courts as well as before the European Commission. He is co-head of the USA Desk and head of the firm's Diversity Committee.

Judge at the Verwaltungsgericht [Administrative Court] and Amtsgericht [Local Court] Hamburg, Rechtsanwalt (lawyer) in international law firm
Studied in Gießen, Bordeaux and Florence
Hamburg; Lecturer at Bucerius Law School in European Law (State Aid and Subsidies, Foreign Trade and Customs); Lecturer at Hamburger Zollakademie [Hamburg Customs Academy]; Lecturer (State Aid and Subsidies) at IREBS International Real Estate Business School
Europäisches Forum für Außenwirtschaft, Verbrauchsteuern und Zoll [European Forum for External Trade, Excise and Customs]; Außenwirtschaftsrunde e.V. [Foreign Trade Round]; Berliner Gesprächskreis zum Europäischen Beihilfenrecht e.V. [Berlin Discussion Group on European Subsidies Law (registered association)]
German, English, French, Italian
Often recommended lawyer for State Aid, Foreign Trade and in the Transport Sector
"very present", "the total professional", "extremely deep expertise and great practical experience, pleasant and uncomplicated", competitor
"knows his field and acts with confidence", competitor
"his support in interpreting sanctions is invaluable", client
Leading name in State Aid Law; recommended lawyer in Foreign Trade Law and State Aid Law
"Not only a very approachable and personable contact, but also an exceptional professional."; "Provided us with excellent and targeted advice."
"Often appears for clients before European and German courts and authorities in foreign trade disputes"
Recommended lawyer in the field of Foreign Trade Law, recommended lawyer and name of the next generation in Public Law - State Aid Law
"Specialist in the EU State Aid Law area", "an absolute support of argumentation in complex state aid issues"
Recommended lawyer and and leading name in Public Law - State Aid "pleasant cooperation", "high expertise and good mandates"
Thought Leaders – Germany 2022 Award
Recommended lawyer in State Aid, Trade and Customs Law
"Gerd Schwendinger receives notable commendations for his first-rate state aid acumen and international trade practice"
Leading name; 1st place among the most respected German lawyers, "Leading practitioner in the field of foreign trade, sanctions, state aid and competition", "Outstanding analytical skills"
"Brilliant strategic thinking, sound legal understanding of the entire spectrum of foreign trade and customs law; Specialist colleagues are "impressed by his expertise and competence in serving clients"
"Possesses extensive expert insight", "excellent legal skills, an international approach and a pragmatic work style", "client-oriented, solutions-driven approach" to export control, subsidies and customs management issues
Listed in "Best Lawyers Germany" for (Foreign) Trade Law
Listed as a ‘leading lawyer’ in Foreign Trade and Export Controls