Dr Quirin Vergho
Lawyer, Accredited Specialist in Insurance Law
Dr Quirin Vergho has specialised in insurance law since the beginning of his career as a lawyer and advises his national and international clients on all related legal issues. He specialises in the field of financial lines (including D&O and cyber insurance) and in the areas of litigation and product development.

- Insurance Law
- Insurance
- Manager Liability and D&O Insurance
- Cyber-Insurance
- Occupational disability and accident insurance
- Litigation
Lawyer in major international law firm, partner in major national law firm in Munich
Studied in Regensburg, Madrid and Mexiko; doctorate at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich; legal clerkship in Munich and Brussels
Lecturer in insurance law at the Biberach University of Applied Sciences
ARGE Versicherungsrecht (Deutscher Anwaltverein e.V.); DGVH, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Vermögensschadenhaftpflicht e.V.
German, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French
Recommended lawyer for Insurance Law (Dispute Resolution)