Dr Joachim Mulch
Dr Joachim Mulch practices in the field of intellectual property law with a focus on patent litigation. He regularly represents his clients before the patent chambers of the courts in Düsseldorf, Mannheim, Munich and Hamburg and advises them on the protection of their innovations in negotiating and concluding contracts as well as international transactions.

Lawyer at international law firms, Düsseldorf
Studied in Passau, Parma (Italy) and Freiburg
Deutsche Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtschutz und Urheberrecht e.V. (GRUR) [German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property]; Vereinigung von Fachleuten des Gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes (VPP)[Association of Intellectual Property Experts]; Internationale Vereinigung für den Schutz des Geistigen Eigentums (AIPPI) [International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property]
German, English, Italian
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