中国买方从中国卖方手中收购德国企业:德国丰伟律师事务所为投资者收购EKOF Mining & Water Solution 有限责任公司提供咨询
作为一家中国投资者的德国全资子公司,REFD Investment 有限责任公司收购了EKOF Mining & Water Solution 有限责任公司的100%的股权。收购该化工企业对该中国投资者意味着进入了德国市场。
EKOF Mining & Water Solution有限责任公司位于波鸿,其产品位于煤矿浮选以及水处理领域。该公司创立于1921年,为其客户提供高效、创新和环保的产品。ion 有限责任公司的100%的股权。
德国丰伟律师事务所法兰克福的Marco Zessel(合伙人)、易明(均为公司法/并购业务组)、Christian Kusulis (知识产权业务组), Dr. Frank Tschesche (税务业务组) and Karsten Kujath (劳动法业务组).为中国投资者提供了咨询服务。
本并购交易已经是丰伟律所近期协助中国投资者完成的进入德国市场的第二项案例。Dr. Marco Zessel的团队于今年5月为另外一家中国投资者收购Romaco集团的多数股权提供了咨询,丰伟律所的上海团队也对该交易提供了支持。
Federal Administrative Court: Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link may be built
The Federal Administrative Court has dismissed all six pending appeals against the planning decision on the Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link. Construction of the tunnel may therefore now also begin in Germany. GvW advised the State of Schleswig-Holstein and was represented by a Hamburg team consisting of Dr Ronald Steiling (lead), Corinna Lindau, Dr Dietrich Drömann, Prof. Dr Christian Winterhoff, Dr Andreas Wolowski, Saskia Soravia, Dr Stefanie Ramsauer, Dr Annika Bleier, Felix Kazimierski and Niclas Langhans. (BVerwG 9 A 6.19, 9 A 7.19, 9 A 9.19, 9 A 10.19, 9 A 11.19, 9 A 12.19 and 9 A 13.19).
H4 Hotel Mönchengladbach at BORUSSIA-PARK: the place for that Bundesliga feeling
Football is king at H-Hotel Group’s new H4 Hotel in Mönchengladbach. Its location right next to the stadium and the theme rooms depicting the history of the Borussia Dortmund football club make this new hotel unique and a must for any football enthusiast. Our lawyers had the pleasure of advising H-Hotels Group on the creation of its first football-themed hotel and took the chance to visit this amazing place shortly after its opening.
Transport System Bögl: new local public passenger transport system a big success in China
The Max Bögl group of companies has developed a new local public passenger transport system. The system called “Transport System Bögl” (TSB) uses magnetic levitation, or “maglev” technology and provides a clean and cost-efficient means of transport for better mobility in inner city areas. The technology is becoming increasingly popular also in other countries: Max Bögl’s most recent export order was the sale of its TSB to China. The company’s plans include building a 3.5 km test track in Chengdu and extensive marketing activities to promote the technology in China – all through a sales partnership with a Chinese company.