Dr Raimond Emde
Dr Raimond Emde's work focuses on distribution law and the law governing commercial agents, insurance agents and authorised dealers.
Distribution Systems Law
Litigation and Arbitration
Commercial Agency Law, Insurance Agency Law, Dealership Law and Franchise Law
Insurance Law
Lawyer and partner at GvW Graf von Westphalen; Editor advisory board 'Zeitschrift für Vertriebsrecht' (ZVertriebsR); Co-editor of 'Zeitschrift für das Recht des internationalen Warenkaufs und Warenvertriebs' (IHR); formerly: Honorary Judge at the Lawyers' Court of the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court
Studied in Hamburg, London and Wisconsin
German-American Lawyer' Association; International Bar Association (IBA); International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA); Hamburg Arbitration Circle e.V. (HAC); Überseeclub Hamburg; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Vertriebsrecht e.V.; DIS German Institution of Arbitration e.V.; International Distribution Institute (IDI) – Country expert "agency" for Germany
German, English
"Lawyer of the Year" in Trade Law
Leading consultant and recommended lawyer for Distribution Law
"Competent, personal advice, strong and consistent in negotiations", client
"proven expert", "strong in commercial agency law", competitor
"Very deep in the subject matter and also correct as an opponent", client
"An authority in Distribution Law"
"Professionally outstanding and very collegial", "A luminary in distribution law, very fast and with an eye for the essentials and a good overview"
"Analytically excellent", "Highly praised by clients"
"Quite outstanding", "Highly competent in the field", "Deep knowledge", "Very sound knowledge",
"Good exchange", "Great distribution lawyer who can also drill thick boards", competitors
"Emde enjoys a high reputation in the market, a competitor praised him as an "absolute expert for distributors"
"Solution-oriented, profound expert knowledge, persuasive power and reliability", client and competitor
"Profound expert knowledge, persuasive power and reliability", client
Recommended lawyer for trade, logistic and distribution systems
"Dr Raimond Emde in particular has an outstanding reputation in the market, amongst others for Insurance Distribution Law"
"Particularly scientifically-based argumentation", competitor
Dr Raimond Emde is listed in the "Hall of Fame"
Leading lawyer in Commercial Law and the Law of Distrution Systems
"loves the challenge of getting to grips with the most profound problems and doing so successfully"
"has an all-encompassing overview of all distribution law case law and literature"
"Has an excellent reputation for his work on the interface with insurance law"
"Regularly appears in international arbitration proceedings"
Leading name in Commercial Law and the Law on Distribution Systems, "broad range, fast reaction and sense for business"
Leading name in Commercial Law and the Law on Distribution Systems, "visible in the market"
"Expert in insurance distribution law"
"Leading name in commercial law and the law on distribution systems"
Listed in "Best Lawyers Germany" for Trade Law, Litigation, Insurance and Franchise Law
Named as "Leader in their Field" – Commercial Contracts
Recommendation in Contract Law
Recommended lawyer in the area of franchising