Vortragsveranstaltung zum Thema Drohnen am Bau

Dr Thomas Senff
Lawyer and Mediator
Dr Thomas Senff heads the Construction Law Practice Group at GvW Graf von Westphalen. He has many years of experience in providing legal advice on major projects, large-scale construction projects and in plant construction, as well as in commercial landlord and tenant law and real estate transactions. For years, he has also focused his work on out-of-court dispute resolution, for example by way of mediation, conciliation or adjudication.

- Construction Law
- Real Estate Law
- Alternative Dispute Resolution (e.g. Adjudication)
- Turkey Desk
Partner at law firm, Düsseldorf
Studied in Heidelberg
Deutscher Anwaltverein e.V. (DAV) [German Lawyer' Association]; "Adjudication" working group at the Deutsche Baugerichtstag e.V. [German Court Conference on Construction Law]; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Baurecht e.V. [German Construction Law Association]; Deutsch-chinesische Wirtschaftsvereinigung e.V. [German-Chinese Business Association]; IFKUR - Institut für Kunst und Recht e.V. [Institute for Art and Law]; Wohnbauinitiative Düsseldorf (BFW NRW); Deutsche Gesellschaft für Außergerichtliche Streitbeilegung
German, English, Spanish, Chinese
"Excellently networked in Düsseldorf", "renowned partner"
Recommended lawyer in Construction Law (including Dispute Resolution)
"Responsive and practical. Thomas Senff always offers a good service"
"friendly, professional competence, goal-oriented solution-oriented approach always with a view to the client's concerns"
"outstanding construction lawyer with a view to the essentials, including the technical and commercial contexts"
Listed in "Best Lawyers Germany" for Construction Law
Eine Business Frühstück durchgeführt vom BFW Landesverband Nordrhein-Westfalen mit Dr. Sigrid Wienhues und Dr. Thomas Senff von GvW.