Dr Andreas Wolowski, LL.M.
Lawyer, Accredited specialist in Administrative Law
Dr Andreas Wolowski is head of the Public Law Practice Group. He mainly advises on environmental and planning law, in particular public building law. He advises on approval procedures and urban land use planning procedures, including the drafting and negotiation of corresponding urban development contracts. His clients include companies in the real estate industry, public corporations and private individuals. In addition, he has many years of expertise in specialised planning law.

Attorney at international law firm, Düsseldorf
Studied in Bonn, Salzburg, Hamburg, and Edinburgh (LL.M. in European Law)
Member of the board of the Hamburg Lawyers Association [Hamburgischer Anwaltverein e.V. (HAV)]; German-British Lawyers Association [Deutsch-Britische Juristenvereinigung e.V.]; German-Austrian Lawyers Association [Deutsch-Österreichische Juristenvereinigung e.V.]; Gesellschaft für Umweltrecht e.V.
German, English
Recommended lawyer for Real Estate Law and Environmental and Planning Law
"Friendly and very competent lawyer in the field of public law"
Listed in "Best Lawyers Germany" for Public Law