Dr Bettina Meyer-Hofmann
Lawyer, Accredited Specialist for Public Procurement Law
Dr Bettina Meyer-Hofmann is a recommended advisor in public procurement law throughout Germany according to 'JUVE Wirtschaftshandbuch' and 'The Legal 500 Deutschland'. Dr Meyer-Hofmann heads the firm's public procurement law practice group and the health focus area.

GvW Graf von Westphalen
Königsallee 61 – Köblick
40215 Düsseldorf
GvW Graf von Westphalen
Potsdamer Platz 8
10117 Berlin
Studied in Freiburg, Hamburg and Munich
Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer; Deutscher Anwaltverein; forum vergabe e.V.; Arbeitsgemeinschaft Baurecht im Deutschen Anwaltsverein
German, English
Recommended lawyer for Public Procurement and Health Law, "skilled negotiator and strong communicator"
"I'm happy to recommend her to others", "very good in terms of expertise", competitor
Leading name and recommended lawyer in public procurement law
"easy to reach, top advice, while being friendly and open to input"; "good ideas even for more off-the-beaten-track projects"; "particularly knowledgeable"
Listed in "Germany's Best Lawyers"
Recommended as "TOP lawyer 2020" in Construction Law
Recommended as "TOP lawyer 2019" in public procurement law
Nationwide recommended in public procurement law
Recommended lawyer in Construction Law and Public Law/Procurement Law, praised by clients as "competent and wide awake"
Recommended lawyer in Public Law/PPP
Recommended Lawyer for Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals & Biotech