Constitutional Dispute Hardship Commission: GvW Graf von Westphalen successfully represents the Hamburg citizens against the action by the AfD
The constitutional dispute initiated by the AfD faction against the rejection of the members for Hardship Commission proposed by the AfD was not admissible. The Hamburg Constitutional Court decided this in a judgment dated 19 July 2016 (HVerfG 9/15). GvW Graf von Westphalen represented the respondent, the citizens of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, in these proceedings.
The Hardship Commission is responsible for examining visas of foreigners who are required to leave the country in the case of urgent humanitarian or personal reasons when these individuals do not have any right to become a resident under applicable law. If the Commission finds that there is a hardship case, the Commission can file a hardship request with the top state authorities.
The members of the Hardship Commission are elected from among the citizens. The citizens rejected candidates nominated by the AfD faction in several votes. Only one representative was elected by the citizens as a vice-member. The AfD faction initiated the constitutional proceedings because their candidates were not elected.
The judges in the Hamburg Constitutional Court simply held in their judgment that there was no standing to file the application and that the application for relief was inadmissible. The Hardship Commission installed in Hamburg was held not to be a parliamentary body and, thus, also not part of a constitutional body. The court held that although the members of the Hardship Commission are elected by the citizens in a first step, they must subsequently still be appointed by the Senate, i.e. an executive body. Therefore, these court proceedings were held not to constitute a dispute under constitutional law for which the Hamburg Constitutional Court has jurisdiction. Instead, the court held that the administrative courts has jurisdiction over such a dispute.
The GvW partner Dr. Ronald Steiling (commercial administrative law and constitutional law) advised the Hamburg citizens. The firm most recently provided services to the citizens in the introduction of the so-called Hamburg Referendum.
Federal Administrative Court: Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link may be built
The Federal Administrative Court has dismissed all six pending appeals against the planning decision on the Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link. Construction of the tunnel may therefore now also begin in Germany. GvW advised the State of Schleswig-Holstein and was represented by a Hamburg team consisting of Dr Ronald Steiling (lead), Corinna Lindau, Dr Dietrich Drömann, Prof. Dr Christian Winterhoff, Dr Andreas Wolowski, Saskia Soravia, Dr Stefanie Ramsauer, Dr Annika Bleier, Felix Kazimierski and Niclas Langhans. (BVerwG 9 A 6.19, 9 A 7.19, 9 A 9.19, 9 A 10.19, 9 A 11.19, 9 A 12.19 and 9 A 13.19).
H4 Hotel Mönchengladbach at BORUSSIA-PARK: the place for that Bundesliga feeling
Football is king at H-Hotel Group’s new H4 Hotel in Mönchengladbach. Its location right next to the stadium and the theme rooms depicting the history of the Borussia Dortmund football club make this new hotel unique and a must for any football enthusiast. Our lawyers had the pleasure of advising H-Hotels Group on the creation of its first football-themed hotel and took the chance to visit this amazing place shortly after its opening.
Transport System Bögl: new local public passenger transport system a big success in China
The Max Bögl group of companies has developed a new local public passenger transport system. The system called “Transport System Bögl” (TSB) uses magnetic levitation, or “maglev” technology and provides a clean and cost-efficient means of transport for better mobility in inner city areas. The technology is becoming increasingly popular also in other countries: Max Bögl’s most recent export order was the sale of its TSB to China. The company’s plans include building a 3.5 km test track in Chengdu and extensive marketing activities to promote the technology in China – all through a sales partnership with a Chinese company.

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