Dr Alexander Freiherr von Aretin, M.A.
Lawyer and Mediator
Dr Alexander Freiherr von Aretin is part of GvW's real estate team and public law practice group. He is also a member of GvW's China Desk and has many years of experience advising foreign investors entering the German market. He advises on approval procedures and the preparation of urban land use plans as well as the drafting and negotiation of urban development contracts. His clients include project development companies, commercial agents, housing associations, companies in the real estate industry, public authorities and private individuals.

- Real estate transactions and project developments
- Environmental Law and Planning Law
- Infrastructure and Public Sector
- China Practice
- Mediation
Head of the Law and Reprivatisation Department of the Treuhandanstalt Berlin Office; Network Coordinator for JUC, Real Estate Law; Lecturer at FOM, University of Economics and Management, Berlin
Studied in Munich, Geneva and Berkeley
Lecturer for the GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) and various NGO's
Deutsch-Chinesische Wirtschaftsvereinigung; Deutsch-Rumänische Juristenvereinigung
German, English
Listed in "Germany's Best Lawyers" in Real Estate Law
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Recommended Lawyer for Environmental and Planning Law
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Frequently recommended lawyer for Construction and Real Estate Law