Patrick Heid, LL.M.
Patrick Heid specialises in advising German and European SMEs and corporate groups on business start-ups and M&A transactions as well as on local legal issues and strategic topics in operational business in China. Mr Heid heads the China Practice and has more than 20 years of experience in China and speaks fluent Chinese as well as English and French. He is appointed as a board director or supervisory board member in the Chinese subsidiaries of several German companies and is a regular speaker on Chinese legal and investment topics.

- China Practice
- Corporate
- Mergers & Acquisitions
Foreign Direct Investments
Real Estate/Tenancy Law - Compliance
- Data Protection/Cybersecurity Law
Lawyer at international law firm in Frankfurt and Beijing
Studied in Cologne, Paris, Berlin und Taipei
Maîtrise en droit, University of Paris I (Pantheon-Sorbonne)
German-Chinese Lawyer' Association [Deutsch-Chinesische Juristenvereinigung e.V.]; Society of German and French Lawyers [Juristen des deutschen und französischen Rechts e.V.]; AIJA - International Association of Young Lawyers; IBA - International Bar Association; IPBA - Inter-Pacific Bar Association; OAV - German Asia-Pacific Business Association Young Leaders
German, English, French, Chinese