26 August 2019 Press releases

Investment in China's health and care sector: GvW lawyer publishes handbook at Springer Gabler

Investments in the Chinese healthcare sector continue to increase, as recent press releases indicate: Medical technology manufacturer Eckert & Ziegler recently announced a joint venture for tumor radiation equipment in China. Pharmaceutical companies such as Novartis benefit from easier access to the Chinese market for their preparations.

In order to prepare investors for their investment in the Chinese healthcare market, Springer Gabler has now published the book "Investments in the Chinese health and care sector". GvW attorney Dr. Björn Etgen examines the opportunities and possibilities for foreign investors and all important legal framework conditions for investments in the Chinese healthcare industry.

From the construction of new hospitals and care institutions to the introduction of the necessary medical equipment to the acquisition and hiring of qualified employees - Dr. Etgen describes in his handbook the most important steps to be successful in China's healthcare market.

You can download the book in German language as an eBook for a fee here:


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