GvW Veranstaltung

22 September 2020

13th Ann­ual Con­fe­rence on the Re­so­lu­tion of CIS-Re­la­ted Busi­ness Dis­putes

The ABA International Law Section is partnering with Russian Arbitration Association to host its 13th Annual Conference on The Resolution of CIS-Related Business Disputes virtually September 22, 2021.

GvW Partner Felix Prozorov-Bastians will take part at the panel "Arbitrator or dispute resolver?" What role, if any, can and should the arbitrator play in getting disputes resolved early? 

You'll find the complete program of the conference here.

Radisson Collection Hotel, Moskau

2/1 Kutuzovskiy Avenue Bld. 1

121248 Moskau


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