GvW Veranstaltung

29 November 2017

U.S. Sanctions against Russia and Impacts on Companies in Europe – legal and political insights

On August 2, 2017 U.S. President Trump grudgingly signed into law new sanctions against Russia, a move Moscow said amounted to a full-scale trade war. The new round of sanctions has been driven by the United States Congress, which is intent on punishing Russia for its meddling in last year’s presidential election. The European Union´s reaction was angry, arguing America first cannot mean that Europe’s interests come last. “The U.S. bill could have unintended unilateral effects that impact the EU’s energy security interests,” E.U. Commission president Juncker said. However, other industries could be hit too.

GvW Graf von Westphalen and AmCham Germany would like to give you an update on these new U.S. sanctions against Russia and on present E.U. sanctions. Which industries in Europe will be effected and to what extend? Furthermore, we want to address possible Russian reactions and their impact on companies in Europe and discuss practical problems your company might face.

For the full agenda and registration form, please click here.

29. November 2017, 17:30 Uhr

Nabi Abdullaev, Associate Director for Russia & CIS, Political Risk Analyst, Control Risks, Moscow
Karen Walter, JD, Director, Head of Economic Sanctions Unit, Group Legal & Compliance, Allianz SE, Munich
Dr. Gerd Schwendinger, Attorney-at-law & Partner, GvW Graf von Westphalen, Hamburg and Brussels

17:30    Reception
17:50    Welcome Remarks
18:00    Presentations
19:30    Discussion
20:00    Networking Dinner Buffet

For free attendance at the event please send an email/fax with the subject line "GvW" to events@amcham.de / F +49 69 929104-11.