GvW Veranstaltung

1st European Automotive and Mobility Services Conference
The European automotive industry has historically been a key driver of Europe’s growth and prosperity. The industry currently employs over 13 million people in Europe and accounts for 40 per cent of the global automotive value share. It is one of a small number of industries where Europe remains the global leader.
The industry is facing unprecedented challenges as it seeks to adapt to new requirements for carbon neutral fuel systems and data-enabled mobility services. Since 2010, investors from outside of the automotive industry have invested over €100bn in mobility startups. These new non-traditional competitors in the market include both United States tech giants and Chinese state-backed enterprises.
It is in this context that the IBA European Regional Forum is holding this inaugural Conference on the European automotive and mobility services industry, looking at the current state of the industry and future trends. In particular, the Conference will look at how the industry is responding to the ambitions of these new market entrants.
Dr Grace Nacimiento, LL.M., moderates one of the interactive workshops called "Hot topics in the European automobile and mobility services industry".
As a law firm with a strong industry focus on the automotive sector we are also pleased to sponsor the conference